Demon Girl Winter
This winter, I would like to become a problem. Something I’ve began doing this year, is assigning a theme to every season. Ice cream summer, goblin fall; primarily about whimsy. About finding joy in little things to offset the rest of life. And I loved both seasons. But now as we cozy down and head towards Christmastime, I feel it’s time for Demon Girl Winter.
What’s a demon girl? A demon girl is one who doesn’t behave, who speaks truth to power in a wild voice. She embraces her shadow self, and works to heal her wounds instead of pretending they don’t exist. She walks on coals and is neither meek nor afraid. She doesn’t let people walk over her anymore. No one pushes her around.
I’ve found that it can be difficult to decipher bad from good, what terms are objectively good and which are objectively bad, when so often words that represent “objective goodness” are flipped around to do evil and harm others. Sometimes niceness isn’t kindness, and to be passive is to condone.
So in that spirit, I welcome you to a red-hot, Krampus-filled, cozy season.