2023 Recap + 2024 Dreams of Home

Hello curious friends!

This is the last CalCurious blog I’m going to be writing for the year, and I wanted to thank all of you so warmly for all the love/support this year. This was the year Calista’s Curiosities started! The year I released my first full-length album. A year filled with a ton of love, joy, healing, and challenging growth. And I would not have been able to do these things without wonderful people like you.

The biggest theme of this year for me has been “finding home”. Whether in physical places, in people around me, in an Internet space, in songs, or most importantly, in becoming a safe home for myself when I’m alone. The journey of finding “home” has changed me. I’m glad to say I’m a far happier, weirder, witchier, more radicalized, and most of all, more authentic person than I was a year ago. So thank you for that.

At the same time, here we are witnessing insane numbers of people lose their homes, the people in their lives who feel like home, and their own lives themselves, more and more, everyday seemingly ceaselessly. And no matter how much we call senators or boycott, it’s hard to feel like leaders care at all. They choose hate over love, and money over the human life.

I have to believe it’s because they can’t find a home in themselves. I have to believe they’ve closed their hearts because when they can’t find this sort of care, they try to numb the ache in themselves with greed, and with power.

So much of our world needs to change. I’ve been trying to envision the world I’d like to see in the next year. I want to see a world that prioritizes “home”. A home and nourishment for every person, and every bit of wildlife born to the Earth. A world not run by takers, who view the world as a place to be conquered, and used, but as a neighborhood for all of us to live in. I’d like to live there with you.

We could make soups and cookies and warm, spiced drinks. We could sing and make music around the fire. We could put on silly, nonsensical, elaborate plays. We could hold each other for a long, long time.

My biggest wish for you, the curious, in 2024 is that you are able to find ways to come home. Have a wonderful holiday season.

So much love and luck to you in the New Year,



Happy New Year!


Wassailing + the Power of Song