Harvest Moon Welcome

Welcome to Calista’s Curiosities! Here are some thoughts on this rainy, rainy morning of the Memberspace Launch.

It’s an Aries full moon, the first sign of the zodiac calendar, and much like the fall, there’s this strong sense of a new beginning, while at the same time, many endings - rush and stillness. 

I woke up in the middle of the night with some lyrics about the color green. I was very into auras and chakras right before the pandemic hit, and learning that the green chakra is the heart chakra made it so every time I walked out and looked at trees, I would feel that life is made of love, and I would feel less afraid.

I still see the color green as love. And the more afraid I feel of the world, the more I want to lean into love.

Love doesn’t feel like weakness or fragility to me, though I think we’re often conditioned to think it is. Love makes me angry at injustice. Love makes me want to speak out. Love makes me want to allow others to be authentic. Love makes me wanna bite. I want to create a space where we can all be authentic and we can all be safe. I also want to create somewhere incredibly whimsical. 

Whimsy is a life-giving property for me, and I think if I was a plant, it would be my fertilizer and sustenance. Maybe my main reason for creating this space was I just needed more whimsy. 

I’m reading a book about the history of carnival geeks (careful Googling that), because I think it’s so important as an entertainer to learn about the basest, lowest level of entertainment to understand the root of what entertainment is. Anyway, it’s an excellent, fascinating, grotesque read. (Here it is).

Early takeaways are that people have always been drawn to the raw and the feral, and a machine could never replicate that. We’re not machines, and that’s a wonderful thing. Also learning about the lengths of degradation people will go to for a buck or a platform is good evidence that it may not be that worthwhile if it doesn’t feel good and authentic. 

Social media may feel like a maze of fun house mirrors, but I’d rather be somewhere actually fun. 

I want this place to feel like a little treat for you, like the little pastry, or beverage you get on your way home to perk up your day. I wanna delve into art/music with you all in a way that feels almost indulgent/debaucherous, cause we’re not usually taught we can give that much time and attention to it. I want you to feel seen and held and accepted. So I say welcome!

Happy Harvest Moon,



Solar Eclipse Saturday