Solar Eclipse Saturday

Hello friend. It’s been a tough and heavy week, hasn’t it? Today there’s a major solar eclipse, and energetically leading up to it, I’ve found that everything’s felt pretty unwieldy; like walking on eggshells, or watching our backs, or even wanting to hide. What do we with all these feelings, this bough about to break?

There’s much to say, and that has been said about the events of this week, how it echoes and affects us all. What I’ll say is this: it makes me sad that the reaction to violence is often more violence, and even in immediate circles, the first gut reactions seem to be ones of conflict and infighting. And I think what we all really need is a serious, deep cry.

We hold so much inside ourselves and when we’re not taught to express our emotions. This world is too intense for us to not have a healthy outlet. This is why tears matter. This is why art matters. We need release.

So what I encourage you to do this week is this, release. Have a cry. Write or make something. Be gentle with yourself, nap if you need it. Explore and shed light on your inner world, make nice with what you keep hidden.

Much Love,



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